Event Digital Solutions Europe

VIDEO: Digital tools have a place but face-to-face meetings rule - Menno Holterman

Thursday, 29 April 2021

A meaningful digital future but face-to-face remains king

For seasoned travellers, the travel bans, lockdowns and closed borders resulting from the Covid-19 pandemic may have come as quite a shock.

Being home-office bound for over a year may have provided some much needed (personal and environmental) respite from relentless travel schedules. Yet, frequent travellers are keen to get back on the road to meet customers face-to-face in safe and secure environments.

Menno Holterman is one individual who was used to spending over half of his time travelling.

Following the well-publicised SAUR acquisition of Nijhuis in June 2020 before the pandemic, the CEO of Nijhuis Saur Industries was tasked with continuing to grow the industrial water division.

Aquatech Online had a chance to sit down (virtually) with Holterman after returning from a business trip to Italy (video interview below).